Pictures from the July 18, 2004 North Dakota tornadoes

The first towers going up

The first towers

Towers to the W

Turkey towers to the W

A tower going up in shadow

A beautiful mix of sun and cloud

A beautiful sky

A beautiful sky

Scud forming

Scud continuing to form

The scud almost looks like a moustache

A wall cloud forming

The wall cloud

The funnel cloud

The funnel roping out

A rainbow

Another picture of the rainbow

What do we see off to our south?

The second tornado

The second tornado dissipates

The third tornado

The third tornado

The third tornado

Tree damage

More tree damage

Yet more tree damage

Smile, you guys!

Stephen, Jay, Nat, and Dave

The storms are still going off to the SW

Storms to the SW

Aren't they beautiful?

Beautiful storms

The setting sun and mammatus



What colours!


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Last update to this page: September 28, 2004