Pictures from the July 18, 2004 North Dakota tornadoes
Towers going up
Tower and baby CB
Tower and a CB
Tower and a CB
Slanted anvil
Slanted anvil and turrets
Slanted anvil and tower
Scud beginning of lowering
Scud beginning of lowering
More scud
Crepuscular rays
Gravity wave in anvil
Crepuscular rays
Crepuscular rays
Crepuscular rays
Lowering about to be rained out
Lowering about to be rained out
Lowering rained out
Lowering rained out
Lowering rained out
The dreaded moustache
The dreaded moustache
Wall cloud
Wall cloud
Wall cloud
Wall cloud
Beginning of tornado #1
Tornado #1
Closeup of tornado #1
Closeup of tornado #1
Closeup of tornado #1
Closeup of tornado #1
Tornado #1
Tornado #2
Closeup of tornado #2
Tornado #2
Disembodied funnel cloud
Closeup of disembodied funnel cloud
Tornado in the distance?
Disembodied funnel dissipating
Snip of rainbow
Tornado #3
Tornado #3
Tornado #3
Tornado #3
Tornado #3
Damage from tornado #3
Updraft with anvil and mammatus
Updraft with anvil and mammatus
Updraft with anvil and mammatus
Updraft with anvil and mammatus
Updraft with anvil and mammatus
Updraft with anvil and mammatus
Middle anvil closeup
Updraft with anvil and mammatus
Updraft with anvil and mammatus
Mammatus on the other side
Towers fuzzing out
Beautiful sunset
Beautiful sunset
Focus on updraft
Closeup of mammatus
Anvil crawler
Edge of anvil and mammatus
More mammatus
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Last update to this page: September 28, 2004