Right-moving supercells, as seen on RADAR


On June 28, 2010, thunderstorms initiated in Saskatchewan. Soon after initiation, the storms exhibited signs of severity: hail spikes and right-moving. Right-moving is a particularly good sign that you have supercell thunderstorms, which Doppler RADAR confirmed.
The RADAR imagery from this event is presented here. Of note are a couple of things. First off, the storms initiate and move toward the northeast. Quickly, though, the strongest ones take a hard right turn and go from moving northeastward to moving southeastward. Second off, the strongest storms exhibit, at various times, hail spikes, which are spikes of reflectivity that emanate away from the storm along a radial centred at the RADAR site. A hail spike is a RADAR phenomenon that, when seen, is indicative of either large hail or copious amounts of small hail.

RADAR images

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Last update to this page: July 4, 2010