Welcome to the PASPC-Winnipeg part 3: research and other neat stuff

We go down the hallway towards the research area.

This uninterruptible power supply (UPS) makes sure the PASPC-Winnipeg stays on during a power outage.

One of the many banks of computers keeping the office running smoothly.

Yet more computers...

And now down the hall to watch one of the research teams....er...busy at work...

The roof of the PASPC-Winnipeg houses some communications equipment, including antennae for weather balloons and ham radio.

This bubble lets the forecasters look out over the city without getting cold or wet.

This is where the weather balloons are prepared for launch.

Big satellite dishes sit outside to gather huge amounts of weather information.

And we go back downstairs to wave goodbye to the PASPC-Winnipeg.

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Last update to this page: September 112004